360 Kids for Parents and Families
360 Kids for Parents and Families
Early Childhood Intervention for Children with Developmental Delay or Disability.
As a parent, it can be difficult to navigate how to best help your children achieve physical, emotional, cognitive, and developmental milestones, and to know what can be done if your child needs help.
At 360 Kids we are here to help you get the support and therapy you need for your child. 360 Kids for parents and families is available to children under the age of 9 via the NDIS Scheme and Early Childhood Intervention Supports. 360 Kids is a registered NDIS provider.

What is Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)?
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) refers to a range of support services and interventions provided to children with developmental delays (until the age of 6) or permanent disabilities (until the age of 9).
The goal of ECI is to promote the optimal development and well-being of these children and to provide them with the necessary skills and support to reach their potential.

Early Childhood Support and the NDIS
The NDIS early childhood approach can provide funding for children and their families via the NDIS.
The early childhood approach helps children younger than 6 with developmental delays or children younger than 9 with disability and their families to access the right support when they need it. Children younger than 6 do not need a diagnosis to get support through the early childhood approach where there are concerns about their development.
The early childhood approach was developed based on evidence-based research with the help of leading experts in early childhood intervention. Children over the age of 9 are supported via the NDIS if they have a permanent disability.
360 Kids & Early Childhood Intervention
At 360 Kids, we understand the importance and positive impact of early intervention to support children with developmental delays and learning difficulties. We are focused on supporting children on the journey to a bright future.
360 Kids is our Early Childhood Approach designed to provide specialised and individualised services including, assessments, reporting, therapy planning, equipment sourcing, and individual and group therapy options. Our service focuses the delivery and coordination of therapy services to build capacity in children aged 0-9 years, their families and support networks.
360 Kids operates via transdisciplinary approach; we can offer allied health services from Early Childhood Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists, and Behaviour Support Clinicians. We work as a team to ensure there is progress toward the goals identified by the family and established in the therapy plan.
Our Early Childhood Approach (Key Worker model) is a benchmark model in delivering early childhood supports to children with disabilities or developmental delays and is considered best practice in early childhood under NDIS.
A key worker plays a crucial role in coordinating and delivering services, acting as a central point of contact for your child and family. They provide support, guidance, and coordination of services to meet your child’s individual needs.
Ready To Send Your 360 Kids for Parents and Families Referral?
If you already to refer to 360 Kids National 360 you can send us a referral online or call 1300 340 440.
How do you know if your child will benefit from our 360 Kids program?
Under 360 Kids your child will receive tailored support and therapy depending on the age, needs and goals of your child.
Children Aged 0-6 Years
Our 360 Kids therapists can help children with a range of support needs. One of the most common areas of support includes developmental delay; this is where developmental milestones are not met when comparing your child to a child of a similar age.
Developmental Milestones cover the following areas for ages 0-6.
- Physical
- Social
- Emotional
- Cognitive
- Language
If you have concerns about your child’s development, as per the national development milestones* below, please get in touch with our friendly team to discuss therapy options for you and your child.
*Source: Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard Australia.
- floppy or stiff
- cries a lot
- arches his/her back
- not responding to sounds
- not showing interest or responding when played with
- not feeding as expected
- not starting to make sounds
- not responding to familiar faces
- not learning to make sounds
- not responding to familiar faces
- not learning to roll when playing on floor
- not responsive to carers
- not babbling and making sounds
- not playing with feet/swapping objects between hands
- not responsive to carers
- not babbling and making sounds
- not beginning to sit, crawl, or pull to stand
- not playing with feet, swapping objects between hands
- not interested in holding toys
- not learning to eat solids
- not using words or actions to communicate such as waving or raising arms to be lifted
- not wanting to move around
- not responding to others
- not seeking attention of familiar people
- falling a lot
- finds it hard to use small objects
- not understanding simple instructions
- not using many words
- not joining words in meaningful phrases
- not interested in food
- not interested in others
- not understood by others
- has speech fluency problems or stammering
- not playing with other children
- not able to have a conversation
- not able to go to the toilet or wash themselves
Children Aged 7 and Beyond
Our 360 Kids program is suitable for children aged over 7
If your child is over 7 years they still receive funding support from the NDIS if they have a disability. A child with a disability means that they have an impairment that’s likely to be permanent. The impairment could be intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical.

How does a child’s impairment affect their daily life?
To help decide if a child’s ability is substantially reduced, their abilities are compared with the abilities of other children of the same age.
If a child’s ability is much less than most other children the same age, they may meet the disability requirements. For example, if they:
- need assistive technology, equipment or home modifications to participate in daily activities – except for common items like glasses.
- usually need more assistance to join activities, or they can’t join in.
An impairment could be:
- intellectual – such as how you speak and listen, read and write, solve problems, and process and remember information.
- cognitive – such as how you think, learn new things, use judgment to make decisions, and pay attention
- neurological – such as how your body functions
- sensory – such as how you see or hear.
- physical – such as the ability to move parts of your body.
Pathway to Early Intervention Funding
- Not sure how to access funding or if your child needs help?
If you feel your child could use some extra help or you have identified with some of the above areas, 360 Kids for parents and families can provide services via the following pathways: Early Intervention Funding, NDIS funding, or you can access these services privately.
- Contact your local Early Intervention Partner
Any child under 6 can be assessed to receive early intervention funding and support from the NDIS. If your child is over 6 then contact your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) for your child’s NDIS funding assessment.
- Find your local Early Intervention Partner or Local Area Coordinator
Contact your local Early Intervention Partner (EIP) or your Local Area Coordinator via the NDIS and they will complete an assessment based on the needs of your child and help you apply for the appropriate funding. Click here.
- Already have Early Intervention or NDIS funding
When you are ready to commence services, contact 360 Kids and we will support you to commence services under our 360 Kids early childhood approach.
Ready to enquire?
Getting started is easy! To access our early childhood supports, complete a referral or enquiry form. Our friendly customer service team will guide you through the process and assist with the necessary paperwork. Alternatively, please call our friendly customer service team on 1300 340 440.